emo - Easily Insert 'Emoji'

Makes it easy to insert 'emoji' based on either their name or a descriptive keyword.

Last updated 5 years ago


414 stars 6.92 score 15 dependencies 3 dependents

shinipsum - Lorem-Ipsum-like Helpers for fast Shiny Prototyping

Prototype your shiny apps quickly with these Lorem-Ipsum-like Helpers.

Last updated 6 months ago


122 stars 4.53 score 76 dependencies 1 dependents

brochure - Multipage 'Shiny' Apps

Build multipage 'shiny' apps.

Last updated 1 years ago


106 stars 4.13 score 31 dependencies

fcuk - The Ultimate Helper for Clumsy Fingers

Automatically suggests a correction when a typo occurs.

Last updated 10 months ago


91 stars 4.05 score 18 dependencies

togglr - 'Toggl.com' Api for 'Rstudio'

Use the <https://toggl.com> time tracker api through R.

Last updated 5 months ago


48 stars 3.29 score 40 dependencies

devindocker - Help Develop a R Project Inside a Docker Container

Help develop a R project inside a Docker container.

Last updated 3 years ago


38 stars 2.57 score 6 dependencies

testdown - 'testhat' Results to Bookdown

Turn your 'testthat' results a Bookdown.

Last updated 1 years ago

25 stars 2.14 score 98 dependencies

tutor - Deploy shiny_prerendered Rmds

Deploy Rmd using shiny_prerendered.

Last updated 2 months ago

4 stars 1.51 score 132 dependencies

bank - Extra Cache

More cache backends.

Last updated 1 years ago


12 stars 1.31 score 4 dependencies

w3css - W3CSS for 'shiny'

An implementation of W3 CSS <https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/> for 'shiny'.

Last updated 1 years ago


5 stars 0.61 score 31 dependencies

thinkrtemplate - Template ThinkR for pkgdown sites

Template ThinkR for pkgdown sites.

Last updated 4 years ago

1 stars 0.23 score 0 dependencies