--- title: "togglr" author: "Vincent Guyader" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{togglr} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( eval= FALSE, collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## Installation of `togglr` ### From CRAN ```{r} install.packages("togglr") ``` ### From Github ```R if (!requireNamespace("devtools")){install.packages("devtools")} devtools::install_github("ThinkR-open/togglr") ``` ## Set toggl Api token Go on toogl.com website : `https://toggl.com/app/profile` ```{r} togglr::open_toggl_website_profile() ``` then select and copy your token api at the bottom of the page. ```{r} library(togglr) set_toggl_api_token("your_token_api") ``` You just need to do this once. ## Start the tracking system Without any parameters it will create a new project using your Rstudio project names. ```{r} toggl_start() ``` By default the client name is "without client" you can choose (and eventualy create a client) by using : ```{r} toggl_start(client = "my client") ``` But you can also choose the task and the project ```{r} toggl_start(client = "my client", description = "what I'm doing", project_name = "my project") ``` ## Stop the tracking system ```{r} toggl_stop() ``` ## Get total time passed on the current project ```{r} get_current_duration()# the current track get_project_task_detail()# all the project (including the current track) ``` ## Get all your dashboard ```{r} get_dashboard() ``` ## Use Rstudio Addins This package comes with 2 Rstudio addins 'start toggl' and 'stop toggl', feel free to use keybindings for convenience. ## Some other useful functions are in this package ```{r} ls(package:togglr) ```