How it works

1 - Get the token

The first step is to retrieve a token.

Open todoist website to find it :

token <- "YOURTOKEN" # copied and pasted from website

Now save your token securly into R (one time per computer)

We use {keyring} features to do it.


2 - Now, let’s play !

Create new project, add tasks and users

Add new project

Don’t forget to store the result to reuse the identifier of the new project.

id_proj <- add_project(project_name = "test",verbose = TRUE) 

Add task to this project

id_proj %>%

Add users to this porject

id_proj %>%
  add_users_in_project(users_email = "[email protected]")

All in the same time

id <-  add_project(project_name = "test",verbose = TRUE) %>%
  add_tasks_in_project(tasks = 
                         c("First task",
                              "Second task")
id <-  add_project(project_name = "test",verbose = TRUE) %>%
  add_tasks_in_project(tasks = 
                         c("First task",
                              "Second task")
id %>%
  add_responsible_to_task("First task", add_responsible = "[email protected]")

More specific :

You can set multiple task at ones, you can set muliple responsibles, due dates and section if you use vectors, the order is important, and the matching will be done term by term

multiple tasks for one responsible with one due dates

id_proj %>% 
  add_tasks_in_project(tasks = c("t1","t2"),responsible = c("[email protected]"),due = today())

multiple tasks for one responsible with multiple due dates

id_proj %>% 
  add_tasks_in_project(tasks = c("t1","t2"),responsible = c("[email protected]"),due = today() + days(1:2))

multiple tasks for multiple responsible with on due dates on many section

id_proj %>% 
  add_tasks_in_project(tasks = c("t1","t2"),responsible = c("[email protected]","[email protected]"),due = lubridate::today(),section_name = c("S1","S2"))

you can pass a data.frame using add_tasks_in_project_from_df

tasks_df <- data.frame(
  "tasks" = LETTERS[1:5],
  "responsible" = glue::glue("user{1:5}"),
  "due" = today()+ days(1:5),
  "section_name" = c("S1","S1","S3","S3","S3")

add_tasks_in_project_from_df(project_id = id_proj,tasks_as_df = tasks_df)