Create a book from vignettes with bookdown

Create book repository inside a package

Create empty book

Use create_book with clean = TRUE to remove example Rmd files. You will use your vignettes to fill the book, you do not need example files. Only “index.Rmd” file is kept.

papillon::create_book(path = "inst/report", clean = TRUE)
  • Modify the index page (“index.Rmd”) with presentation of the package and/or book.

Build the book based on vignettes

Function build_book() will copy your vignettes in the book directory and build books (html and/or pdf).

  • Vignettes will be incorporated in alpha-numerical order of files names. You may want to name your vignettes starting letters like aa-vignette-number-one, ab-vignette-number-two. Note that vignettes names can not start with a number for package build.
  • Each vignette should start with a level 1 title (# Title 1) and be followed by titles with lower levels
  • Book directory can be cleaned before/after running the book. Only “index.Rmd” and “zzz-references.Rmd” files are kept if exist.
papillon::build_book(path = "inst/report", path.v = "vignettes",
            output_format = c("bookdown::gitbook", "bookdown::pdf_book"))

Create short book with index and references only

You may want to send a PDF along with your package archive to targeted people, so that they know what is inside, who developed it, how to install it and where to find the documentation. A short version of the book above, without vignettes.

To do so, you need to fill the index.Rmd file with necessary information and create the book only with index and references.

Help user find the userguides

Function open_guide_function() adds function open_guide() inside your package that will open the userguide on demand.

papillon::open_guide_function(path = "inst/report")

Users of your package (pkg) can now have access to the books using:


Add these in your documentation and/or add a message when loading the package with this function inside your package:

#' @title .onAttach
#' @noRd
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  message("Read the report with deeptools::open_guide()")