aa - Create a new project with GitLab


The possible products are the following ones:

  • An R package, versioned, continuously integrated and whose pkgdown is continuously deployed on Connect
  • A Shiny app ({golem}), versioned, continuously integrated and whose pkgdown and the corresponding app are continuously deployed on Connect
  • A bookdown, versioned, continuously integrated and continuously deployed on Connect

The following instructions are used to initiate a product on your Forge. But they can be adapted to initiate a product on GitLab.com, by changing the gitlab_url and the private_token where needed.


Define the name of the principal branch

git config --global init.defaultBranch main

Connection to GitLab

  • Create environment variable GITLAB_TOKEN with api token on gitlab.com or your own gitlab
    • Store it in ".Renviron" with usethis::edit_r_environ()
gitlab_url <- Sys.getenv("GITLAB_URL", unset = "https://gitlab.com")

# GitLab con
my_gitlab <- gl_connection(
  gitlab_url = gitlab_url,
  private_token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_TOKEN")

# Set the connection for the session

Create a new project or use an existing project

Here, you will have to choose if:

  • You want to create a new project
  • You wan to use an existing project, previously created on Forge

Go to the dedicated subsection below.

Create a new project

Get groups

You must define in which group you want to create your project.

Replace the value "my_group" by the name of the group.

The namespace_id of the group you want to use will be used in the next steps.

# Get user namespace (= group_id)
namespace_id <- gitlabr::gitlab(req = "namespaces", search = "my_group")[["id"]]
# If you are not working within a group, please set it to NULL
namespace_id <- NULL

Create the new project


  • The name of the project you want to create in project_name (Choose it as for package name. No special character, only dot if needed)
  • The namespace_id of the group where you want to create your project
project_name <- "myrandomproject"

Create the new project:

project_id <- create_group_project(
  project_name = project_name,
  namespace_id = namespace_id,
  default_branch = "main"

Use an existing project


  • The project_id of the project you want to use
project_id <- 123456789

Get all information about the project

the_project <- gl_get_project(
  project = project_id

project_name <- the_project[["name"]]
group_url <- gsub(the_project[["name"]], "", the_project[["web_url"]])

Clone your project and add the skeleton for your product (package, app, bookdown)

You will be able to create the first skeleton of your product, depending if it is a package, a Shiny app, etc.

Define local installation and clone

This code will clone the GitLab project locally, in the path of your choice (if no project_path is provided, it will be cloned in a temporary directory).

project_path <- clone_locally(
  project_name = the_project[["name"]],
  group_url = group_url,
  open = FALSE

Create the skeleton for your product and initiate the CI/CD

To initiate a new product, please take a look at the following vignette : ac-create-the-skeleton-of-the-r-project--package-app-book-.Rmd.

if (interactive()) {
  vignette("ac-create-the-skeleton-of-the-r-project--package-app-book-", package = "lozen")

Initiate the CI/CD

To set up continuous integration and continuous deployment of your product, please take a look at the following vignette : ad-set-up-continuous-integration-and-deployment-through-gitlab-ci.Rmd.

if (interactive()) {
  vignette("ad-set-up-continuous-integration-and-deployment-through-gitlab-ci", package = "lozen")

Manage git tools (branches, commits, issues, etc.)

Please take a look at the following vignette : bb-manage-git-tools--branches-commits-etc--.Rmd.

if (interactive()) {
  vignette("bb-manage-git-tools--branches-commits-etc--", package = "lozen")

Create and manage the forge board and wiki

Please take a look at the following vignette : ba-manage-forge-board-wiki.Rmd.

if (interactive()) {
  vignette("ba-manage-forge-board-wiki", package = "lozen")

Visualise the status of your project

Please take a look at the following vignette : ae-create-weekly-with-github-or-gitlab.Rmd.

if (interactive()) {
  vignette("ae-create-weekly-with-github-or-gitlab", package = "lozen")