The possible products are the following ones:
- An R package, versioned, continuously integrated and whose pkgdown
is continuously deployed on Connect
- A Shiny app ({golem}), versioned, continuously integrated and whose
pkgdown and the corresponding app are continuously deployed on
- A bookdown, versioned, continuously integrated and continuously
deployed on Connect
The following instructions are used to initiate a product on your
Forge. But they can be adapted to initiate a product on, by
changing the gitlab_url
and the private_token
where needed.
Define the name of the principal branch
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
Connection to GitLab
- Create environment variable
with api token
on or your own gitlab
- Store it in
gitlab_url <- Sys.getenv("GITLAB_URL", unset = "")
# GitLab con
my_gitlab <- gl_connection(
gitlab_url = gitlab_url,
private_token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_TOKEN")
# Set the connection for the session
Create a new project or use an existing project
Here, you will have to choose if:
- You want to create a new project
- You wan to use an existing project, previously created on Forge
Go to the dedicated subsection below.
Create a new project
Get groups
You must define in which group you want to create your project.
Replace the value "my_group"
by the name of the
The namespace_id
of the group you want to use will be
used in the next steps.
# Get user namespace (= group_id)
namespace_id <- gitlabr::gitlab(req = "namespaces", search = "my_group")[["id"]]
# If you are not working within a group, please set it to NULL
namespace_id <- NULL
Create the new project
- The name of the project you want to create in
(Choose it as for package name. No special
character, only dot if needed)
- The
of the group where you want to create
your project
project_name <- "myrandomproject"
Create the new project:
project_id <- create_group_project(
project_name = project_name,
namespace_id = namespace_id,
default_branch = "main"
Use an existing project
- The
of the project you want to use
Clone your project and add the skeleton for your product (package,
app, bookdown)
You will be able to create the first skeleton of your product,
depending if it is a package, a Shiny app, etc.
Define local installation and clone
This code will clone the GitLab project locally, in the path of your
choice (if no project_path
is provided, it will be cloned
in a temporary directory).
project_path <- clone_locally(
project_name = the_project[["name"]],
group_url = group_url,
open = FALSE
Create the skeleton for your product and initiate the CI/CD
To initiate a new product, please take a look at the following
vignette :
if (interactive()) {
vignette("ac-create-the-skeleton-of-the-r-project--package-app-book-", package = "lozen")
Initiate the CI/CD
To set up continuous integration and continuous deployment of your
product, please take a look at the following vignette :
if (interactive()) {
vignette("ad-set-up-continuous-integration-and-deployment-through-gitlab-ci", package = "lozen")
Create and manage the forge board and wiki
Please take a look at the following vignette :
if (interactive()) {
vignette("ba-manage-forge-board-wiki", package = "lozen")
Visualise the status of your project
Please take a look at the following vignette :
if (interactive()) {
vignette("ae-create-weekly-with-github-or-gitlab", package = "lozen")