--- title: "Inflate all your flat files" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Inflate all your flat files} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r} library(fusen) ``` # Inflate all your flat files at once The `inflate_all()` function allows the user to inflate all the active flat files available in the "dev/" directory at once. This requires to inflate each new flat file individually at least once in order to register the inflate parameters. Prior to be able to inflate all the flat files, some checks are performed, to assess whether the flat files are available to be used by `inflate_all()`. ## Store configuration of each flat file once `inflate_all()` requires the existence of a complete {fusen} configuration file: "dev/config_fusen.yaml". This file exists only from versions of {fusen} upper than v0.5.0: - If you are working in a project initiated with a version of {fusen} prior to v0.5.0, please manually run `inflate()` for each of the flat files you want to work with, in order to create the appropriate "dev/config_fusen.yaml" file. - If you are already familiar with "dev/config_fusen.yaml" but were working with a dev version of {fusen} prior to v0.5.1, your "dev/config_fusen.yaml" file does not contain inflate-related parameters. You will have to inflate again you flat files in order to complete the configuration file with the proper `inflate()` parameters. ## Prevent some flat files to be inflated When a flat file is listed in the configuration file, it will be inflated each time you run `inflate_all()`. If you do not want this flat file to be inflated anymore, you can deprecate it. Open the configuration file in "dev/config_fusen.yaml". Find the section concerning the flat file. Change the `state: active` to `state: deprecated`. It will not be inflated during the following calls to `inflate_all()`. You may have a flat file that is a work in progress and is not inflated yet. This will not affect other flat files to be inflated. In this case you may see the following message. You can ignore it. ``` The flat file {flat} is not going to be inflated. It was detected in your flats directory but it is absent from the config file. Please inflate() it manually when you are ready, so that it is accounted the next time. ``` ## Wrapper around `inflate_all()` There is a wrapper named `inflate_all_no_check()` that will prevent running `devtools::check()`. This is a short version of `inflate_all(check = FALSE)`. ## Register all other files to help clean your project Note also that all files stored in R, tests and vignettes directories are checked to detect those not created from a flat file. They will need to be registered in the config file too, in order to help you keep your package clean of deprecated files. `inflate_all()` thus runs `check_not_registered_files()` behind the scene and informs about the procedure. Read `vignette('register-files-in-config', package = 'fusen')` to get more information. ## Compute the code coverage If you want to compute the code coverage of your package, you can run `inflate_all(codecov = TRUE)`. It will run `covr::package_coverage()` at the end of the process. ## Complete the process with your own code style You can run your preferred styling functions just before the check of the package in `inflate_all()`. For instance, if you want {styler} package to clean your code during the inflate process, you can run `inflate_all(stylers = styler::style_pkg)`. If you also would like to clean the "dev/" directory, you can run `inflate_all(stylers = function() {styler::style_pkg(); styler::style_dir("dev")})`. ```{r example-inflate_all} #| eval: no #' \dontrun{ # Usually, in the current package run inflate_all() directly # These functions change the current user workspace inflate_all() # Or inflate_all_no_check() to prevent checks to run inflate_all_no_check() # Or inflate with the styler you want inflate_all(stylers = styler::style_pkg) #' } # You can also inflate_all flats of another package as follows # Example with a dummy package with a flat file dummypackage <- tempfile("inflateall.otherpkg") dir.create(dummypackage) fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package")) flat_files <- add_minimal_package( pkg = dummypackage, overwrite = TRUE, open = FALSE ) flat_file <- flat_files[grep("flat", basename(flat_files))] # Inflate the flat file once usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { # if you are starting from a brand new package, inflate_all() will crash # it's because of the absence of a fusen config file # # inflate_all() # will crash # Add licence usethis::use_mit_license("John Doe") # you need to inflate manually your flat file first inflate( pkg = dummypackage, flat_file = flat_file, vignette_name = "Get started", check = FALSE, open_vignette = FALSE, document = TRUE, overwrite = "yes" ) # your config file has been created config_yml_ref <- yaml::read_yaml(getOption("fusen.config_file", default = "dev/config_fusen.yaml")) }) # Next time, you can run inflate_all() directly usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { # now you can run inflate_all() inflate_all(check = FALSE, document = TRUE) }) # If you wish, the code coverage can be computed usethis::with_project(dummypackage, { # now you can run inflate_all() inflate_all(check = FALSE, document = TRUE, codecov = TRUE) }) # Clean the temporary directory unlink(dummypackage, recursive = TRUE) ```