How to use fusen


All steps to create a package with {fusen} from one Rmd file

  • Create a new directory / new project with
    • RStudio template: File > New Project > New directory > Package using {fusen}
    • Choose the template teaching to start
    • Or command line: create_fusen("path/to/new/project", template = "teaching")
  • Open the “dev/flat_teaching” Rmd to start setting up the package
  • Run the content of the first development chunk with library(testthat) inside
  • Modify and run the content of the chunk named description asking to describe your package and license it
    • For the first time, you can let the code as is, this is already the content for a working package
  • Follow the "dev/flat_teaching.Rmd" template to write your documentation and build your functions and test your examples.
    • Chunk named function gets the code of a function
    • Chunk named example gets the code for examples of using the function. This will be used for function @examples and will be kept for the vignette
    • Chunk named tests gets the code for unit testing
    • Chunk named development gets the code for development purposes, usually only used once like {usethis} functions
  • Run the dev-inflate chunk to inflate the flat template and transform it as an inflated package with functions, unit tests and the current Rmd template transformed as a vignette. And check.
  • Build your {pkgdown} site to verify everything is at the right place

Create multiple "flat_xxx.Rmd" files with fusen::add_flat_template(template = "add") if needed

Fill your package Description

Function fill_description() requires the description of your package: What does it do? Who are the developers?
This will fill the DESCRIPTION file in the proper way.

  pkg = dummypackage,
  fields = list(
    Title = "Build A Package From Rmarkdown file",
    Description = paste(
      "Use Rmarkdown First method to build your package.",
      "Start your package with documentation.",
      "Everything can be set from a Rmarkdown file in your project."
    `Authors@R` = c(
      person("John", "Doe", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0000-0000-0000")),
      person(given = "Company", role = "cph")

Inflate your package from the flat Rmd template

You’re one inflate from flat paper to box. Build your package from the flat Rmd template using the inflate() command below.

After that, you can:

  • Verify your "DESCRIPTION" file has been updated
  • Verify your function is in "R/" directory
  • Verify your test is in "tests/testthat/" directory
  • Verify this Rmd appears in "vignettes/" directory
  • Build your documentation using usethis::use_pkgdown() then pkgdown::build() for vignette and examples checks
  flat_file = "dev/flat_teaching.Rmd",
  vignette_name = "Exploration of my Data",
  open_vignette = TRUE,
  document = TRUE,
  check = TRUE

Create a new package from command line directly, using a pre-defined template

  • Build a package from Rmd template in a temporary directory
    • This is for testing purposes
# Create a new project
dummypackage <- tempfile(pattern = "dummy")

# {fusen} steps
dev_file <- create_fusen(dummypackage, template = "teaching", open = FALSE)
# Description
fusen::fill_description(pkg = dummypackage, fields = list(Title = "Dummy Package"))

# From inside the package
usethis::with_project(dummypackage, {
  # Define License with use_*_license()
  usethis::use_mit_license("John Doe")

  # You may need to execute inflate() in the console directly
    pkg = dummypackage,
    flat_file = dev_file,
    vignette_name = "Get started"

# Explore directory of the package

# Delete dummy package
unlink(dummypackage, recursive = TRUE)

Add a new “flat_template.Rmd” template in “dev/” directory

# Add an additional dev template
add_flat_template(template = "add", pkg = dummypackage)
# or directly
add_additional(pkg = dummypackage)

There can be development actions

These are only included in the flat template file, their content will not be part of the package anywhere else.

Name the following chunk with {r development-something, eval=FALSE}

```{r development-inflate, eval=FALSE}
# Run but keep eval=FALSE to avoid infinite loop

usethis::use_mit_license("John Doe")

# Execute in the console directly

fusen::inflate(flat_file = "dev/dev_history.Rmd")


  • One title / one chunk is for one function
  • examples and tests chunks need to be placed after the associated function chunk
  • You can add sub-functions in the function chunk to store them in the same R file, but they won’t have @examples. Only the first function of the chunk will be able to get examples.
  • As for any Rmarkdown file, chunk names need to be unique. Thus, you better use examples-myfunction, examples-myotherfunction, …
  • Do not forget to regularly clear your Workspace to avoid functions hidden by global environment