You can use {devindocker} for any directory, project or even package. In the end, these are all folders on your computer.
tempdir <- tempdir()
my_project <- normalizePath(file.path(tempdir, "myproject"), mustWork = FALSE)
usethis::create_package(my_project, open = FALSE)
#> ✔ Setting active project to "/tmp/Rtmpg29m7Y/myproject".
#> Package: myproject
#> Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
#> Version:
#> Authors@R (parsed):
#> * First Last <[email protected]> [aut, cre]
#> Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
#> License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to pick a
#> license
#> Encoding: UTF-8
#> Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
#> RoxygenNote: 7.0.0
#> ✔ Setting active project to "<no active project>".
Note that you need to launch your project with {devindocker} from outside this project. Never ever open it again locally (out of a Docker container) if you want to avoid problems with bad and not compatible local {renv} setup. It is recommended to create a project dedicated to launch {devindocker} projects.
Launch a Docker container with your directory inside. This should be a container with Rstudio server.
Common and project {renv} libraries will be stored on your local computer (See details in the next section).
You will need to set up {renv} the first time you launch the Docker
container. Follow instructions in the
file that is created inside your
# Which path to your working directory / project
path <- file.path(tempdir, "myproject")
# Which container (with Rstudio inside) ? ----
container <- "rocker/geospatial:4.0.1"
# Which port ? ----
# _Useful if multiple Rstudio Server to launch
port <- 8788
# My renv cache directory on my local computer
# Used as persistent drive for all you Docker container with {devindocker}
renv_cache <- "~/renv_cache"
# Start Docker project ----
path = path,
container = container,
port = port,
renv_cache = renv_cache,
renv_inst = TRUE, # Add an Rmd with instructions inside your project
update_docker = TRUE
# Follow instructions in "renv_instructions.Rmd" to setup {renv}
When you’re done, do not forget to stop properly the Rstudio Server:
Click on Top right button to quit or q()
in the
Then, stop the container.
{renv} has two levels of storing downloaded packages. First one is for the project, second one is for your computer:
directory for the project is by default inside
the project directory itself. This has some consequences when your
project is a package during check()
because it is copied in
the temporary directory of the check()
. A big project
library may take some time and some place in your Docker container.
directory by default, which is the
default {renv} behaviour. Indeed, if you use global cache (with
), only symlinks are stored in these
directory.renv_out = TRUE
to save
these in a folder called ".renv"
, in the parent directory
of your project renv_out_dir
. All project stored in the
same parent directory will share this local ".renv"
library, using a specific folder inside. Inside the Docker container,
the ".renv"
directory will be stored at the root of your
RStudio server, in the Docker home directory. Show hidden files to se